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Components are the building blocks of a Topology. The component specification provides a way for you to define the properties and characteristics of each Component in the Topology.

idSpecify unique ID for componentID
nameSet name for componentstring
tooltipSet tooltip outlining information pertaining to the componentstring
typeSet type of component e.g. service, API, website, library, database, etc.string
iconSpecify icon for componentstring
lifecycleThe lifecycle state of the component e.g. production, staging, dev, etc.string
ownerSpecify owner of componentstring
orderSet integer order value for componentint
componentsRawMessage is a raw encoded JSON value. It implements Marshaler and Unmarshaler and can be used to delay JSON decoding or precompute a JSON encoding.[]Component
checksSpecify checks based on inline and selector[]Check
configsSpecify selectors for config items that should be associated with this component.[]Config
lookupLookup component definitions from an external source, use the forEach property to iterate over the results to further enrich each component.Lookup
propertiesCustomize component properties as to be visualized on Mission control UI[]Property
relationshipsSpecify relationship of component[]RelationshipSpec
selectorsSpecify component for topology based on fieldSelector and labelSelector[]ResourceSelector
forEachOnly applies when using lookup. When specified, the components and properties specified under ForEach will be templated using the components returned by the lookup.ForEachoptional


exprSpecify expression for IDstring
javascriptSpecify javascript syntax to generate IDstring
jsonPathSpecify path to JSON element for use in IDstring
templateSpecify Go template for use in IDstring


refSet reference for components relationshipstring
typeSet the type of relationship, e.g. dependsOn, subcomponentOf, providesApis, consumesApisstring


componentsSet name for component[]Component
propertiesSet name for property[]Property
configsSet name for config[]Config
relationshispSet name for relationship[]RelationshipSpec
checksSet name for check[]Check